my a320 serial also only had 30 characters, went to website and it worked fine, within a few minutes i had the new key. If you have a ticket with support they always respond super quick. you can also just skype jar
Hello guys, so I bought the jar design a320 back in 2014, but after changing computers a while, I can no longer seem to find my activation key, I try ed checking my mail yet I can't find it. I also contacted the jardesign team and no response from them, what could I do.
Jar Design A320 Serial Codel
I hope you managed to get it working with that information. For Jardesign I have a slightly different problem as follows I used the serial number that was shown on my original order for the A320 Neo. It authenticated the aircraft but put it back to the original A320 Neo WITHOUT the new wing tips. I tried it twice and both times it reverted to the original A320 Neo.
I had the problem too. To activate it manually go to and put the serial number and the activation number they give you on the manual activation page. Take the file the website gives you and put it in the a320 folder. Also make sure you didn't put the SASL folder in your plugins.Choose the correct operating system file and use that file. If you just put the SASL folder in the plugins, every time you open X-Plane it will ask you to activate the a320 and give you those activation errors. 2ff7e9595c