As far as applications are concerned I haven't encountered any major non Unity related bugs except the one where Java applications menu bar is using wrong font color. To work around this issue you can install light-themes package available in my light-themes PPA that works around this issue. This is probably Java Swing API bug so real bug fix will probably land inside OpenJDK package and it is left to Canonical people or OpenJDK developers to provide solution. Most other bugs are related to Unity and are likely to be fixed soon because after all Unity is Canonicals in house product. Unfortunately there are bugs introduced as features like the one where dash scrollbar is too thin so you can't pick it up with your mouse (annoying if you are using computer with pointing device without scroll wheel like cheaper tablets from Wacom lineup I'm using). Those bugs probably won't ever be fixed because scroll bar looks nice this way and who needs to be productive these days? I've noticed that Unity interface runs kind of slow on my single core laptop, partially due to open source graphics driver and due to Unity search algorithms kicking in when typing into dashboard search field.
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If its poor performance isn't a surprise, we weren't expecting the HP would continue to suffer from the dated connectivity options that have plagued HP's Slimline systems all year. The front of the HP gives you a vertical-loading dual-layer DVD burner, a single media card reader, two USB ports, and a headphone jack, and the back end offers four more USB ports, 5.1 analog audio outputs, an Ethernet jack, a VGA connection, a 56k modem, and a pair of PS/2 ports for the mouse and keyboard. Sounds fairly robust on paper, but the Gateway gives you all the above in addition to mini FireWire, eSATA, HDMI video out, and eight USB ports. 2ff7e9595c