I need an activation code for my AutoCAD 2007. The computer the AutoCAD was on got hit by a virus. I had to completely wipe the computer. Now, I can't get my valid/legal/purchased old AutoCAD 2007 re-activated. When I try to activate it in Product Registration and Activation, it says "The serial number you enter is not valid. Try again. I'm getting the serial # off the AutoCAD 2007 install disks. Thanks for your help.
1. Save the request code and the activation code well for your current system.2. With this activation code you can install ACAD2007 again on this machine if necessary, as long as the request code is the same.3. If you change hardware on the computer (for example, the hard disk), then there is another request code, the old activation code does not fit anymore.4. Installing on other computer is of course also impossible, there are other hardware parts.5. As of Sunday, Autodesk will not generate a new activation code (says the company)
AutoCad 2007 Keygen
Saved AutoCAD file as 2007 dwg version. Tried to open - got "unable to open" error message. Tried to import - same thing. All tech questions and instructions say Visio can open 2007 versions of AutoCAD dwg files, but it won't work. Please help. 2ff7e9595c