BMCs are often under appreciated and overlooked during security audits. Like many embedded devices, they tend to respond slowly to tests and have a few non-standard network services in addition to web-based management. The difference between a BMC and say, a printer, is what you get access to once it has been successfully compromised. The BMC has direct access to the motherboard of its host system. This provides the ability to monitor, reboot, and reinstall the host server, with many systems providing interactive KVM access and support for virtual media. In essence, access to the BMC is effectively physical access to the host system. If an attacker can not only login to the BMC, but gain root access to it as well, they may be able to directly access the i2c bus and Super I/O chip of the host system. Bad news indeed.
Thanks to atom, the main developer of Hashcat, version 0.46 or above now supports cracking RAKP hashes. It is worth noting that atom added support for RAKP within 2 hours of receiving the feature request! In the example below, we use hashcat with RAKP mode (7300) to brute force all four-character passwords within a few seconds.
advanced virtual com port crack
Once administrative access to the BMC is obtained, there are a number of methods available that can be used to gain access to the host operating system. The most direct path is to abuse the BMCs KVM functionality and reboot the host to a root shell (init=/bin/sh in GRUB) or specify a rescue disk as a virtual CD-ROM and boot to that. Once raw access to the host's disk is obtained, it is trivial to introduce a backdoor, copy data from the hard drive, or generally do anything needing doing as part of the security assessment. The big downside, of course, is that the host has to be rebooted to use this method. Gaining access to the host running is much trickier and depends on what the host is running. If the physical console of the host is left logged in, it becomes trivial to hijack this using the built-in KVM functionality. The same applies to serial consoles - if the serial port is connected to an authenticated session, the BMC may allow this port to be hijacked using the ipmitool interface for serial-over-LAN (sol). One path that still needs more research is abusing access to shared hardware, such as the i2c bus and the Super I/O chip.
So PLEASE, if you want to do other advanced networking things than network sniffing or what is described in this article, do yourself a favour and buy an USB adapter to use with the virtual machine.
Most of the early software crackers were computer hobbyists who often formed groups that competed against each other in the cracking and spreading of software. Breaking a new copy protection scheme as quickly as possible was often regarded as an opportunity to demonstrate one's technical superiority rather than a possibility of money-making. Software crackers usually did not benefit materially from their actions and their motivation was the challenge itself of removing the protection.[14] Some low skilled hobbyists would take already cracked software and edit various unencrypted strings of text in it to change messages a game would tell a game player, often something considered vulgar. Uploading the altered copies on file sharing networks provided a source of laughs for adult users. The cracker groups of the 1980s started to advertise themselves and their skills by attaching animated screens known as crack intros in the software programs they cracked and released.[15] Once the technical competition had expanded from the challenges of cracking to the challenges of creating visually stunning intros, the foundations for a new subculture known as demoscene were established. Demoscene started to separate itself from the illegal "warez scene" during the 1990s and is now regarded as a completely different subculture. Many software crackers have later grown into extremely capable software reverse engineers; the deep knowledge of assembly required in order to crack protections enables them to reverse engineer drivers in order to port them from binary-only drivers for Windows to drivers with source code for Linux and other free operating systems. Also because music and game intro was such an integral part of gaming the music format and graphics became very popular when hardware became affordable for the home user.
While ncrack has limited protocol support compared to Hydra and Medusa, the only conclusion for this little test when it comes to speed, reliability, and the ability to hit RDP services ncrack wins!!
Altiostar Networks, NEC, and its subsidiary Netcracker Technology are pooling their resources to crack the 5G open virtual radio access network (vRAN) market. That market is currently dominated by traditional RAN vendors like Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, and ZTE.
Mystique is able to prove correctness of an inference on a private image using a committed (private) ResNet-101 model in 28 minutes, and can do the same task when the model is public in 5 minutes, with only a 0.02% decrease in accuracy compared to a non-ZK execution when testing on the CIFAR10 dataset. Our system is the first to support ZK proofs about neural-network models with over 100 layers with virtually no loss of accuracy.
Touchscreen-based mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are used daily by billions of people for productivity and entertainment. This paper uncovers a new security threat posed by a side-channel leakage through the power line, called Charger-Surfing, which targets these touchscreen devices. We reveal that while a smartphone is charging, its power trace, which can be measured via the USB charging cable, leaks information about the dynamic content on its screen. This information can be utilized to determine the location on the touchscreen where an animation is played by the mobile OS to indicate, for instance, that a button press has been registered. We develop a portable, low cost power trace collection system for the side-channel construction. This leakage channel is thoroughly evaluated on various smartphones running Android or iOS, equipped with the two most commonly used screen technologies (LCD and OLED). We validate the effectiveness of Charger-Surfing by conducting a case study on a passcode unlock screen. Our experiments show that an adversary can exploit Charger-Surfing across a wide range of smartphone models to achieve an average accuracy of 98.7% for single button inference, and an average of 95.1% or 92.8% accuracy on the first attempt when cracking a victim's 4-digit or 6-digit passcode, respectively. The inference accuracy increases to 99.3% (4-digit) or 96.9% (6-digit) within five trials. We further demonstrate the robustness of Charger-Surfing in realistic settings and discuss countermeasures against it.
Many control-flow integrity (CFI) solutions have been proposed to protect indirect control transfers (ICT), including C++ virtual calls. Assessing the security guarantees of these defenses is thus important but hard. In practice, for a (strong) defense, it usually requires abundant manual efforts to assess whether it could be bypassed, when given a specific (weak) vulnerability. Existing automated exploit generation solutions, which are proposed to assess the exploitability of vulnerabilities, have not addressed this issue yet.
In this paper, we point out that a wide range of virtual call protections, which do not break the C++ ABI (application binary interface), are vulnerable to an advanced attack COOPLUS, even if the given vulnerabilities are weak. Then, we present a solution VScape to assess the effectiveness of virtual call protections against this attack. We developed a prototype of VScape, and utilized it to assess 11 CFI solutions and 14 C++ applications (including Firefox and PyQt) with known vulnerabilities. Results showed that real-world applications have a large set of exploitable virtual calls, and VScape could be utilized to generate working exploits to bypass deployed defenses via weak vulnerabilities.
Web technology has evolved to offer 360-degree immersive browsing experiences. This new technology, called WebVR, enables virtual reality by rendering a three-dimensional world on an HTML canvas. Unfortunately, there exists no browser-supported way of sharing this canvas between different parties. Assuming an abusive ad service provider who exploits this absence, we present four new ad fraud attack methods. Our user study demonstrates that the success rates of our attacks range from 88.23% to 100%, confirming their effectiveness. To mitigate the presented threats, we propose AdCube, which allows publishers to specify the behaviors of third-party ad code and enforce this specification. We show that AdCube is able to block the presented threats with a small page loading latency of 236 msec and a negligible frame-per-second (FPS) drop for nine WebVR official demo sites.
We debut domain shadowing, a novel censorship evasion technique leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs). Domain shadowing exploits the fact that CDNs allow their customers to claim arbitrary domains as the back-end. By setting the frond-end of a CDN service as an allowed domain and the back-end a blocked one, a censored user can access resources of the blocked domain with all "indicators", including the connecting URL, the SNI of the TLS connection, and the Host header of the HTTP(S) request, appear to belong to the allowed domain. Furthermore, we demonstrate that domain shadowing can be proliferated by domain fronting, a censorship evasion technique popularly used a few years ago, making it even more difficult to block. Compared with existing censorship evasion solutions, domain shadowing is lightweight, incurs negligible overhead, and does not require dedicated third-party support. As a proof of concept, we implemented domain shadowing as a Firefox browser extension and presented its capability in circumventing censorship within a heavily censored country known by its strict censorship policies and advanced technologies. 2ff7e9595c